We are extremely grateful to the many benefactors who have donated money to the zoo, engaged in fund raising activities for us or have honoured us with bequests. Please talk to us about what you can do to help our projects in this way and what we can do to immortalise your memory here at the zoo.
Not all of our benefactors help us with financial support. We are equally grateful to those of you who donate plants to beautify the zoo, fertiliser, animal food, use of machinery, paper and …… time!
The Darling Downs Zoo is involved in many breeding programs that are obvious to visitors especially when we have babies, such as Leopards, Giraffe, Penguins, and so on. However, there are many not so obvious, such as the bilbies that we have bred and been returned to the wild.
Your donation ensures we can continue this vital work.
You can donate via the DONATE button on this page, your donation will be tax deductible and every cent will be spent on our preservation work here at the zoo.